Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Soho Escorts part3

Where is the Dirk Bogarde with whom I must of danced the Bosa Nova, the Peppermint
Twist, the Caribou Barbie, the Soho... at least a thousand times all those decades ago? I can still see myself, my Julie for miles and miles of Soho Escorts, dancing as far as her, um... my own Kinky Boots would fly, just like Pussy Galore. Where is your Dirk, then, in your head with your twin Soho Escorts?

Tell me, do, where is that first incarnation of yours, the Patrick Macnee version, I mean? He still must be with you, somewhere. Or did you leave him with your Soho Escorts, as well; no doubt one of those Mrs. Peel versions with whom you used to cavort, before my own Honor Blackman at long last set you back upon the straight and narrow path. Ah, now you recall, don’t you? It was not alone your Soho Escorts Avenger model, who was so stunning in a catsuit? Quite impossible to dismiss as Honor’s original Mrs. Peel was I not? Was I not Soho Escorts material?. I thought as much. Now, be a good Darling, and draw a bloody bath for me, please... I am in rather - I believe - the Ingrid Pitt London Escorts mood this evening.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Soho Escorts part2

Never heard tell of her? Which? The real ‘Shrimp’ or the Soho Escorts version? Neither?
You don’t care? How could you not? Well, of course, you could only be capable of caring about one Soho Escort at a time, wouldn’t you? You’re just heartless. And which Soho Escort is it, then? Escorts? But, I thought that there was only one? They’re twins!

Oh, I get the picture, now. So, these twin Soho Escorts of yours; might they have names? Collinson, Madelaine and Mary? Surely, they are only their Soho Escorts versions, and not indeed the sisters from that awful Hammer Horror ‘Twins of Evil’? What? They’re hard to tell apart? What in London Escorts are you suggesting? And put down that cup of tea, this instant , and think of me, think of my Julie Christie or I’ll scream! I will, I swear it on a Twister mat crawling with Soho Escorts!

Where is the Dirk Bogarde with whom I must of danced the Bosa Nova, the Peppermint
Twist, the Caribou Barbie, the Soho... at least a thousand times all those decades ago?
I can still see myself, my Julie for miles and miles of Soho Escorts, dancing as far as her,
um... my own Kinky Boots would fly, just like Pussy Galore. Where is your Dirk, then, in your head with your twin London Escorts?

Monday, 16 November 2009

Soho Escorts

Smart enough aren’t you, Darling? That lounge wear, on you -- a revelation. But, is it
you? That is, does it say Soho Escorts all over you? Now or then, of course in the altogether, when we are only us, as others might see Soho Escorts, I still rather fancy myself Julie Christie. Not precisely the Julie Christie of any actuality, let alone her own contemporary version (of herself).. But rather a version circa 1964, or thereabouts.

Allow me to demonstrate the London escorts version: very happening, very up to the Soho Escorts chic with all of the latest last fab fashion trends and Vespa-matching hair-dos. And.much as your Dirk Bogarde, my Darling, and your Brother’s Laurence Harvey.are constantly at odds over who really knows the best and brightest Soho Escorts, My Julie has had a bit of a tiff, rather a row brewing with that version ofJean Shrimpton, two flats down.

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Marble Arch Escorts part2

This afternoon -- only third-rank post-Impressioist pictures at Sothebys; so perfectly impromptu, you’ve set off to the V&A. There was something truly pre-Raphaelite about Charlotte Rampling in her heyday, that the curator of 19th century books and manuscripts reminds. This, as she issues you the standard archival riot act and a pair of lint-free cotton gloves.Your request, your wish has always been the same: The Marble Arch Escorts; the codifier, presumably given by Dante Gabriel Rosetti to that youthful body of some four-hundred letters attributable to him. Marble Arch Escorts: addressed and unposted to Stephane Mallarme’s daughter Genevieve.

Ah, you despise poetries, with exceptions of those made by machine, or someways
fashioned as object-constructs; those fan poems of Verlaine’s; for one; most lascivious
devices, to be sure. But these Rosetti London Escorts, yet sealed. enveloped with
the scent of what can only be orange blossom. You have been quite certain for some time
that this fragrance is the very key through which finally might be unlocked the Marble Arch Escorts’ secrets. Why would he (Rossetti) never post any of the Marble Arch clutch on to Genevieve?

Monday, 9 November 2009

Luton Escorts

Traveling light? In or out? Oh, then...are you free to be Luton Escorts. Excuse,
I’ll just be a sec., no need to chase. As I was about to tell... it was just, well,
the other day; a layover London Escorts flight. On Capri. Really, is that where we first met, delightful. And you were my boyfriend? For how long? I don’t believe it -- tell me more, I promise I won’t tell Luton Escorts a word of it, not one.
So we crashed on Sylvia Beach and -- what’s the weather; Derry dreary,
I suppose?

No? Right, it’s Capri. Make it fun, Luton Escorts fun. I don’t care much that
it’s a fiction or not -- I only have any real affinity for fun stories. Very good,
you call it -- heads or tails? Luton Escorts, which ever way it ends, you win.
Out in the open? We did? Luton Escorts, you’re kidding, no. I would never do
that in broad daylight. How many drinks? Sounds like gynanachy. Amazons,
they were Luton Escorts, too. Aren’t you the lucky one. I have to get off this
phone, in a minute...what was that? Oh, you’re just too London Escorts for your own good. Was I good? I don’t know what it could mean -- good means good,
not bad means awful. Awfully good? I do believe that your embellishing, but you
know what -- I like it. Luton Escorts Place, just up from -- Of course, you know it.

Friday, 6 November 2009

Knightsbridge Escorts part3

Hurry up now -- Knightsbridge Escorts are coming on stage. Their set’s not just so much pish-posh window-dressing, like those other retro French sexy girl outfits.How can you be sure? Sure of what? That Knightsbridge Escorts are not just another Pussycat Dolls knock-off? Well, just press play. Any number you like.’ Pyjamarama’ by Roxy Music?

I love it. Bowie’s version of ‘Let’s Spend the Night Together’: that one just makes me want you more and more. Knightsbridge escorts do a killer rendition of ‘Mambo Sun’.So extraordinarily hot!.I can’t wait.Too bad, it’s always their encore. But no matter how packed the venue is, whether The Blue Bar, The Wellington, The Vendome; it is as though Knightsbridge Escorts are just performing on you, and you alone. Oh, and I heard that this past Thursday, they really tore up The Berkeley, as well. Where to next? Up or down? Or should we save that for later. Virgin? What a capital idea. Knightsbrige Escorts latest ringtone double a-side single just released today, tonight! Who cares what the title is. It’s London Escorts. That should be quite enough to convince anyone with an eye for superior lingerie and ear for hard candy techno.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Knightsbridge Escorts

Crossing over from Mayfair, a nightspotter, possibly by trade. It would appear that quite nearly every last activity has become an occupation, an art, has it not? Nothing so naughty in the least about it, you. I am simply here to there -- Knightsbridge Escorts, in or out. Well, would you like a brief peak? Just a glance about the property? Do you have a pen on you?

No? Just take my photo, then, if you really want Knightsbridge Escorts it will be as though, I were already inside you. There’s a real intimacy about the lens, more so than one might offer up at length to a mirror, or in cursive..I like stretching out London escorts on a bare floor; nothing between us but a Leica, daylit.Yes, silly it is lifted from ‘Blow Up’ -- but that is my reality to behold Knightsbridge Escorts, and yours? ‘Shampoo’? Incomparable, quite. I do not enjoy the blowdryer, thank you. But stay with me, I beg of you. Well, really not.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Notting Hill Escorts part3

"Overlooking, well really catercornering off Ladbroke Grove", you say. Naked, your hotel. Fresh suit along the divan; Notting Hill Escorts. It’s been all along; not some else vague invitation to be desired, to become the very indeterminant object. This is not a novel, and you most certainly do not need a heroine. Rather, you need to be spared the drama.This is a holiday.You also need a bath drawn.. London Escorts delivers. "Else what would ir be?", she asks.Yes, it’s entertaining enough, in that sketchy way, which bantering back and forth with a bankteller is. Who knows where the dialogue emanates from? You have not read everything. What results? Notting Hill Escorts.

Later? Later for whom? You or her? Moreover, if it is her ‘later, how much later would that be anywise for you? You’re right there. Escorts now in her later become yours. How far? Much too? Never for Notting Hill Escorts.